Season 3, Episode 2 — Angelo Juras: Autodesk & the Past, Present & Future of CNC Machining

Plus Bantam Tools’ Peter Riley on learning CNC

In this second episode of season three, Bre and Zach sit down with master machinist Angelo Juras at the Autodesk Pier 9 facility in San Francisco. Angelo has been a machinist since the 80s, when he got his start on NC punched-tape-style milling machines. In his current position at Autodesk as a CAM product manager, he has a unique vantage point to recount the last three decades in machining and talk about what’s to come in the future.



Angelo Juras has over 30 years experience in the machining industry. Before working on Autodesk’s CAM product management team, Angelo was in the Tesla Motors R&D Prototyping Lab. While at Tesla, Angelo was responsible for machining complex vehicle components and sub-assemblies using state-of-the-art CNC machine tools with very short lead-times and extremely tight tolerances.