Season 1 Episode 2 - John Saunders: An Education in CNC
Plus Devin Cooper on making music with stepper motors
In this episode, we speak with John Saunders about how he initially got into machining and what the current landscape looks like for educating the next generation. He’s the host of the popular CNC YouTube channel NYCCNC and owner and founder of Saunders Machine Works in Zanesville, Ohio, where he spoke with us this past November.
- Alexander Slocum class at MIT that John is watching on YouTube
- CNC training classes at Saunders Machine Works
- Tom Lipton OX Tools YouTube channel
- NYCNC YouTube channel
- NYC Resistor
- Midi to G-code site
John Saunders is an educator, machinist, and entrepreneur in the CNC world with over a decade worth of educational YouTube videos under his belt. He owns and operates Saunders Machine Works, a manufacturer of machine shop tools and fixture plates. His latest focus is on educating and inspiring the next generation of machinists, shop owners, and manufacturing entrepreneurs.